Mentone Park Primary School offers its students opportunities to develop their leadership skills through a variety of avenues and experiences. Our School Captains and Vice Captains work with our Level 6 leadership Group to demonstrate outstanding qualities to be admired by all students. These students are elected by their peers for these roles, which are seen as an honour and privilege. We also have a Green Gang to lead our environmental and sustainability programs.
C: Kiara and Oliver
VC: Pippa and Toby
Our School Captains for 2024 are Oliver and Kiara and they will be supported by Pippa and Toby as our Vice Captains.
A school captain is a highly respected role at Mentone Park Primary in which captains take much pride in and many students strive to become. Captains provide a positive role model and leadership to the school body, suppport the school's vision and are exemplary representations of our school values.
The school captains work coincidently with the Principal, Assistant Principal and teachers in conducting whole school assemblies, representing the school at events, guiding visitors through the school and attending/ competing in the Kingston Council Junior Mayor conference.
Ava, Cooper, Curtis, Hazel and Jordyn
The Green Gang is commited to raising awareness about environmental issues and reducing our impact on the Earth. Their mission is to create a clean, safe and healthy environment in and out of school grounds and preserve precious resources for future generations.
The Green Gang members and leaders address students at the school assembly, plan, organise and assist with the running of environmental activities such as Walk to School Day, Rubbish Free Lunch Challenges and National Tree Planting Day. They also coordinate every-day practices encouraging a sustainable environment such as composting, paper recycling and nurturng our beloved veggie patch which is irrigated using recyled water from the drinking taps.
By designing and implementing these projects, students develop skills in critical thinking, problem solving, organisation and communication while addressing relevant environmental challenges facing their communities.
© Mentone Park Primary School